



 Discussion -5. "That"; 'That goal of life, .....that is whole' ... 'That' Infinite, Eternal Goal'....

Now the Master explains --- and his explanation should  necessarily be indicative about the great goal of life ---  the secret of nature's activities.

It is to indicate that goal of life to the disciple that the Master is using here the common pronoun "THAT";  " That goal of life, 
O Disciple, about which you had been asking me, 'that is whole'  " .

All Upanishads are attempts at indicating "That" Infinite, Eternal Goal through the finite language.

The Supreme Reality is a homogenous, one entire "WHOLE" .

Since the apparent appearances of multiple plurality are nothing but super-impositions upon the Truth, they also constitute nothing but the "WHOLE".

Certainly, 'this whole' rises from 'that  whole' .

When something arises out of another, invariably the cause must undergo a definite change, as it facilitates the production of the effct from itself.

This is what happens in the world.

The mud changes in its name and shape when pots are made; a lump of gold should necessarily undergo transformations when out of it, a chain is made; when a tree is grown into its full  stature, the seed has exhausted itself.

Next : Discussion-6. "multiple world of finite has risen from the one great Infinte" .... 

To be continued .... 


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