Introduction: 11.


In the 'first wave'  ( Mantram-1), an entire chapter of ideas has been summarised by the great teachers to expose the ' Theory of Truth'
and 'how the realised Truth' and how it  can be  gained via the 'Path of Renunciation', and 'how the realised Truth can be ' maintained and consistently enjoyed'  through values of life founded upon a complete detachment from all the material glory, the passing success, and the flimsy popularity!!

In the 'second wave' ( Mantram-2 ), the Master indicates the 'Path of Action' which, according to the 'Seers',  must be sincerely pursued by all others who cannot follow the earlier advocated 'Path of Renunciation.'

In the 'third wave' ( Mantram-3), this wave is for those who refuse to walk either of these two paths, is to go astray into an abyss of pain and darkness!

In the ' fourth wave '  comprising of five Mantra-s ( 4 to 8 ), of the Seer's poetic brush, his word-pigments have gathered a transcendental shine to indicate vividly to his students 'what exactly is the goal of life' which was already indicated in the 'first Mantram, and how one who has gained that goal will thereafter live in his inner world of ' subjective' Truth-experience.

Next :  Fifth wave ( Mantra-s : 9 to 14. ) ...

To be continued ...


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